Let’s be clear. I am not talking in the sense of beer goggles here. Nor am I talking about just any man. I am talking my Man and spray starch. That’s right spray starch. So Superman gets his clothes laundered as a work perk. But no one irons like he does. Between me and you, it might be a bit of OCD. He got sick and tired of breathing in all the fumes making his shirts all crispy. Of course you have to look pressed everyday so what is the solution….. make your own.
Any vodka will do
Where am I going with this and vodka? Well vodka is made of potatoes which are naturally starchy. Mix it with water and viola! A great spray starch. We even added drops of lemon essential oil for a nice refreshing scent. Lavender or wild orange would work too. Superman was clear though, he was not going around smelling like flowers or being chased by bees. So lemon it is.
These are from Doterra. From L to R Wild Orange, Lavender, Lemon.
We ordered these blue glass bottles from Amazon. There is definitely science behind choosing blue or amber glass. And glass for obvious reasons. Truthfully, your new spray starch will keep better naturally in a light blocking glass bottle than anything else. These came with pretty black and chalk labels.
From Amazon
Can be found in convenient travel sizes too.
I like to remind Superman whenever he asks “does this look okay”? “Huny, you are going to be the best dressed most handsomest man there!” And I mean it. I think if I was in kindergarten they would call me a bucket filler. I mean why not send your man out the door feeling like a million bucks.
If you are going to give it a try: mix 1 part vodka to 2 parts water. Add EO by the drop to your desired scent. Breath Easy friends! This natural spray starch is going to help keep your purse loaded, although you may be down a bit on the vodka. Happy pressing!
Bavaria was hit hard by the plague. People all around had been affected by disease, death and sadness. In 1517 a tradition was born when Barrel Makers or Coopers took it upon themselves to bring joy back to the villages. They paraded through the streets with rings wrapped in evergreens and played music and brought merriment. The people knew it was safe to be back in the streets again.
Every seven years since from January 6th, Dreikönigstag or three Kings Day, to Shrove Tuesday March 5th (2019) the Schäfflertanz or Cooper Dance is performed. Our local took place this past Sunday in the Marienplatz next to St Marten’s Church at the entrance to the Fußgängerzone or pedestrian zone. It was quite an amazing and free event.
The Barrel Makers Dance has evolved into it’s present form about 130 years ago. The clowns move about mingling through the crowd whilst the dancers perform. I tried to hide as best as I could but was rounded up along with a nun, some children and several others to dance around the circle during the performance. I did not quite get the hang of it although my clown insisted it was an “English” dance. What a clown! The Schäfflertanz is usually performed by men. This particular group included 3 women who play in the band. There are traditionally 20 dancers, 2 hoop twirlers, a flag bearer and 2 clowns. Ours had quite a few more of each. They paraded into the Fußgängerzone with a full band.
barrel makers
She carries the alcohol basket
this clown made me get out there and dance
One of the things I find most fascinating about these old traditions is you see all ages participating. There is something to be said about a 500+ year old dance that is still being passed on among the younger generations.
twirlers spun the rings around with filled shot glasses in them.
The dance lasted about 20 minutes. I saw some breaking a sweat until they formed a large circle around the barrel. The barrel makers came and “hammered” the barrel. Next, two twirlers who went one after the other stood on top the barrel and twirled circles with filled shot glasses around inside of them. It was quite the feat! In the meantime a clown came round with a full bottle and poured alcohol into the mouths of every last thirsty ……dancer. I bet you thought I was going to say on looker! Once the ceremonial drinking was done, they danced back into formation and paraded away. Some of these performers live here so they mingled in with their neighbors. Some quite possibly are descendants of original performers.
Great traditional dress, great performance, many laughs, amazing tradition all for free. I can’t help but reflect on what those thoughtful barrel makers of long ago started and if they ever would have thought this lovely old tradition would still be carried on to today. Even better, we walked there. It’s 1.5 miles round trip to the Marienplatz from our house. Easy on the purse and good exercise to boot.
Another exciting event that marks the end of the plague and the sparing of an entire village is taking place in 2020. The Passion Play is a tradition acted out every 10 years in Oberammergau, Bavaria since 1633. This time around every single villager (over 2000) is set to be involved in the play. The original manuscripts date from the 15th and 16th century. It is done completely in German but non German Speakers can get translations to follow along. It runs every day from end April to October. The most recent format is 1430 to 2200 with a dinner break in between. You must have dinner reservations in order to buy a ticket. If you would like more information about how to book and attend in 2020 ask me in the comments or use the contact form.
On a recent overnight in Rothenburg ob Der Tauber I went back to one of my old favorite vintage/ antique shops. It was by luck really. That is a whole other post on Rothenburg ODT in and of itself, coming soon in Meet Me at the Weekend. It was Christmas Eve Day and we were heading back home soon. I was looking for vintage Christmas decorations. Of course what immediately caught my eye were these Nachtmann beauties. You see where the distraction immediately sets in? These are both sparkly and jeweled colored I can’t just walk by!
She was closing at noon. I had thirty minutes. A quick look around told me although there was lots of vintage Christmas décor, I was much more interested in this find. I consider myself quite the master haggler. The nuance between not offending someone and getting in your mind your best price is tricky. I asked her how much. She said 25 euros each. Hmmm I thought, not a bad starting point at all. But, you never want to expose your hand so early. I kept looking as if I wasn’t sure what they even were. Another customer later and ten min til close, I offered her 100 euros for six and the beautiful set became mine. Really my friends, this is a fantastic deal! I have seen them in several places in Virginia for $250 for a set of six. We had a lovely chat whilst she carefully wrapped my newest treasures. She knows I will be back.
A little history of my love affair for the beautiful Traube crystal glassware by Nachtmann. My mil has a set from her mother. Hers are for sure old. They don’t all match which adds to the charm. Speaking of charms, if they don’t all match, you don’t need charms. How cool is that!? Before that we had to use our lipstick and take our chances! Anyway, I have admired them for years. I did collect two sets of six the last time we were here. Mine came from the Karlovy Vary. The boxes they came in are quite interesting in an oldy worldly way but the stemware itself are good quality crystal knockoff Nachtmann. Coming back overseas gave me the opportunity to get rid of some things in our quest to downsize. Our son and his lovely wife were still setting up house. I gave them all twelve along with a pine and iron bakers rack they had been displayed on since our time in Turkey. I knew I would find more to come home with.
The red and green in center middle are the oldest
You can see the stems and pedestals can be different too. Great for when you have guests!
The six on the middle right are from an estate sale in DC
The other set of six on the right is from an estate sale in DC. My dear BFF ( I told you I have the best BFFs) works in estate sales in the DC/Bethesda/NoVa area. What many people consider the DMV. There are some great finds to be had for sure! I am always amazed at 1. what cool things people collect and 2. what cool things people keep, more on that in a minute. Kim is a master at cleaning peoples stuff up, making the house look amazing and pricing things accordingly. Her sales are a huge success because of her. She helped me haggle her boss down to an awesome price on these. I paid $150 for this set and another set of water goblets I also gave to my son and dil. If you are interested in great sales in and around the DMV you can go here for a schedule: https://www.estatesales.net/DC/Washington/20011
There are three Nachtmann Outlets in Germany. The one pictured here is in Geislingen which is very close to Stuttgart.
The Nachtmann Lead Crystal Glassware was founded in 1834. Nachtmann was bought out by it’s Austrian competitor 2011. Prior to that Nachtmann stopped making the beautiful jeweled colored Traube Stemware. In the last couple of years under the umbrella of crystal maker Riedel, Nachtmann is now producing these lovely gems. At a cost however, 100 euros each! The locals retailers consider it Austrian Crystal now. I found them on line for 120 euros. I also found three outlet stores here in Germany. If I don’t find what I am looking for in little shops or flohmarkts, you will be sure to find me taking a day trip to Geislingen.
This brings me to the second part of the story…. how to know you are in a really good place.
These handsome fellows were in what my family fondly refers to as a Hummel holder, in my mil’s home. They are old. Maybe not antiques yet but she knows they were old when her mom gave them to her.. One year she was visiting us here in Germany. I think the conversation started on the topic of the Hummel holder and I happened to mention how pretty I thought the Turquoise roosters were. Fast-forward to Christmas and next thing I know I am unwrapping a box of beautiful Turquoise colored roosters! She had taken them out of her Hummel holder, wrapped them up and sent them to me. Today they sit on my hall table welcoming everyone and carefully shadowing an ugly key holder.
At first I was mildly embarrassed for coveting something like that. I didn’t mean it in that way. Then humbled by the fact she would just give them to me. Once I really stopped to think about it, I realized what a good place in life she is. I became grateful for the example. It reminded me my mom does this too. I have some old books I loved from a bookcase in their home, my sister has my grandfather’s desk. It’s not like they are finished using, displaying and admiring these things. They have come to a good place in their lives where things that were given to them, whether it reminded them of their childhood, needed because they were just starting out, they are ready to pass on for someone else to enjoy, or Love! What am I saying here? I am not waiting either. I am giving away the good stuff whilst I can still enjoy seeing others enjoy.
My son knows those Nachtmann Traube Stemware I gave them are knockoffs. But he also knows his mom is hunting around for the best deal, the hidden gems, the best use of someone else’s stuff. Partly because I can’t see buying brand new when plenty of good durable vintage and antique finds are still out there and partly because well……quite frankly I am easily distracted by sparkly things and know how to keep my purse loaded!
It’s not like I forgot. Life. It became a little busy and things got complicated. Then it all changed and here we wound up in a real life fairy tale. That is the short story!
I will be brief here because I intend to update my bio, eventually. So in between then and now, our son got married to our beautiful daughter in law, I had a second brain surgery, spent months recovering ( it took it’s toll on me for sure), then I dusted off my skirt readjusted my ponytail and started a great job on a contract in Quantico. Too short lived, well enjoyed and just like that …..poof, Superman gets a job offer in the beautiful Garmisch- Partenkirchen Germany. And so the next chapter of the tale begins, abroad. Living in the GAP.
Here we are in our Drindls- A traditional dress for Bavarian women and girls. We opted to find a less expensive shop outside the center of the village proper. I am hooked however and there are a few more I might add to my wardrobe whilst we are here. Oh and not to mention the beautiful Alpspitze and Kreuzeck in the background- Wish you were here Today!
Okay so why am I telling you this? I am so excited to add three more elements to Poppy’s Loaded Purse! Look for new titles under “Meet me at the Weekend” -a blog focusing on short weekend travel finds and hidden gems, “Wish you were here Today” -blog posts for day travel and exploring for expats and enthusiasts, and lastly “quirks and life anomalies living abroad”- because let’s face it, some things are different, difficult and weird, and it’s healthy to have a good laugh about it.
A day ago I ran into a sweet friend I had not seen since the holidays. Naturally I asked what she had been up to. She says ” the other day I went to Dublin for the day ” …….and viola! something sparkled inside me. Actually more like firecrackers under the squirrels bottoms inside my incredibly large brain.
Now those of you who know me well, know two things. One, my brain was herniated outside of my skull for a number of years. Does that mean it is large? Well, I like to tell myself that. Quite possibly it is a bit squirrelly. Two, I love travel, any where. But especially off the beaten path, where no one knows where I am, I could pop in anywhere, that is where you will find me. I even like getting lost and finding my way. In fact, I probably have been told to get Lost!
This is our 5th duty station overseas. I am looking to add to my 22 countries visited. Some will be repeats. I promise to keep it fresh and new. In interest of OPSEC most everything will be after market. Between the fun and chaos of the last year and a half, lil Mama and I have picked up some interesting finds. All things we can Love. I will share those too. It’s the whole point really! I am so excited to get started on what I started two summers ago! Thanks for joining me. I hope you stick around.
New ideas, new places, new ways to load your purse, your backpack, your beach bag and overnight bag. Get packing! Let’s go explore things we love together on Poppy’s Loaded Purse.